Therefore, they mate as snails have both reproductive organs (male and female). Generally, the snails do not like to self-fertilize. Snails have a flexible sexual development period ranging from 6 weeks to 5 years, depending on the species. Most land snails can live for 2-3 years, while the wild ones last up to 10 years in captivity. #7 Life Span & Reproductory Cycle Of Snails For example, an algae plant is a popular food for herbivorous sea snails, while omnivorous sea snails eat small creatures. Land snails eat a variety of dead green herbs, plants, bark, algae, rotting wood, empty snail shells, fungi, animal scats, cement, limestone rocks, and various other things. #6 Snails Can Be Either Carnivorous Or Omnivorous Seashores and deep ocean tunnels are known to be their habitats. Sea snails can be found all over the planet, from the far north of the Arctic to the equator tracing down to the Antarctic Oceans. Because their shells operate as robust protective barriers, sea snails are tough to prey on. The shells of sea snails are spirally coiled, whereas the shells of impetus snails are tapered. Sea Snails exist in saltwater and are categorized under GASTROPODA species. Land snails can be found almost anywhere, primarily in the top leaf litter of forests, marshes, and old fields and in certain invasive environments such as riversides, active fields and gardens, suburbs, and even cities. The marine and freshwater snails breathe through their gills. While land snails are one of the most well-known species on the planet, they have only one lung.

They live on land as well as in the water. In contrast, a smaller set is located in the lower portion of the head, which the organism utilizes to feel and smell. The tentacles are located at the top of the snail’s head. A snail’s body consists of one head with a pair of tentacles, a neck, a visceral hump, one foot, and a tail. Snails have a soft, segment-free body that is lengthy, slimy, and moist. So the great Australian whelk is the first on the list for the world’s largest snail. It was first observed from the soil samples in China in 2015. Angustopila Dominika is the tiniest snail species on the planet that can slide through a needle’s eye! They are normally beige to grey in hue, with shells that range from white to black or brown with spots or stripes. Snails come in a variety of shapes and sizes. #3 Snails are of Different Sizes, Colors, and Shapes Snails in the wild live for 3 to 7 years, while those kept in captivity can survive for nearly 25 years. Measuring anywhere from 0.68mm to 70cm, they weigh 25-45g. Mollusks snails have hard shells of different shapes, colors, and sizes.